I grew up in a small town in southern Illinois and that area is still one of my favorite places. I love the flat land and the black dirt, the friendly people who will do anything for you, and yeah, even the tractor parades (when you all get stuck behind a tractor taking up the entire road).
So when I ‘find’ a town for my people, I often like to settle them into a similar kind of place. McIntyre is one of those towns. Couple hours from the Shawnee National Forest, flat land and just nice wonderful place to live, work and raise a family. The name of the new series is Hometown Love and believe me, everyone gets right down to the business of love. Some have lived there all their lives, like Jessie from my first book. She has to leave to help care for her best friend’s baby, and all she wants is to get back home. On her own terms. After all, You Don’t Mess with Jess. Coming Oct 29th.

Then there is Hannah. She didn’t grow up in McIntyre but she and her brother bought a hardware store there, after the one they grew up in had to be sold. As anyone who watches television knows, once you buy a house to move into, you just have to renovate it, and in comes Derrick Hawk with his handy tool belt. A little older, a little stern and just what she needs to make the town her home. Will be released Nov. 22nd.

Then the third one is Totally Tori, and while she’s always lived in McIntyre, she isn’t happy with her life and needs something more, and not just the man she’s been talking to on line for the past months. She can’t figure out what though.
Kelly and Ryan have almost told their story to me, but I don’t have a title yet for it. Soon, I hope. Then I’m looking at Emmy, Marnie, Gwen and Bronwyn. McIntyre is a busy town! I hope you will love this series as much as I am!