Today there is an on line party hosted by my publisher, Blushing Books! Join us on Facebook for the fun, give aways and authors hanging out.
It starts at one Eastern time, today, Wed. Nov. 6th. Which means noon here in my middle of the country, ‘the only real time’ Central time. My slot is at 12:45 my time – one forty five their time and someone please tell me that is all the math I have to do today! Pretty please? I’ll be there and I have hours yet before I have to figure out what I’m doing. Whew! Hopefully, something will pop in my brain, but then I’ve already mathed today, so who knows? No one wants to see me fall on my face, right? Maybe the dogs. They like it when I hang out on the floor.

I’ll be talking about my new series, Hometown Love and then hanging out to see how the professionals do things! Hope to see you there!