Is Clearwater, IL a small, charming little town like Mayberry, full of fun, interesting people and only the cute kind of easily solved crimes? Well, basically no. Sure, the town is small, the setting is gorgeous, the lake is beautiful and more than likely there are people out fishing and skipping rocks, swimming and boating. Others are hanging out on the lush, spacious town square that boasts trees, walkways and an amphitheater, with many thriving shops surrounding it.
But there is a lot more romance in Clearwater than Mayberry ever dreamed of having, and oh, yeah, the men all like to be in charge. Males. What are you going to do? Get along? Or, well, maybe challenge them. That sounds like a lot more fun.

The first in the series is A Clearwater Bride, starring Ellie and Mike. You met them in in A Clearwater Christmas, part of the 12 Naughty Days of Christmas anthology.
Clearwater Bride – coming out March 4th. Watch for snippets this month!