I like to write summer books, though I’ve written a few winter and Christmas books. In fact, I’ve an entire series set in a place called Blizzard,South Dakota. I guess snow and winter isn’t so bad if you are just writing about them and not shoveling and shivering.
I like summer. Warm weather, sunny skies, open windows, writing on the patio with the dogs at my feet. It is not warm here this week! We got our second measurable snow already!

I have three brothers with houses in Florida and one in Arizona. You know, the smart siblings. And I sit here and shiver with my dogs, writing my stories and keeping the heater cranked up to high. Because apparently I got the short end of the brain stick.
It will be spring soon – and no, I won’t be complaining about the heat. I’ll be happily playing in my gardens while giving a shiver of remembrance for winter past occasionally.
Oh, yes -things past. Some of my first books were re released as a collection not too long ago.
I miss those people sometimes. I might have to send someone to the Lyon’s Ranch for a little R&R soon so I can catch up and see what is going on with them all. Is that weird? I guess that might be a writer thing, who knows.